Mishaum Point Fire Control Station


Dartmouth, MA



1. The United States acquired 26.84 acres fee by purchase on 26 March 1943. A leasehold of 0.14 acre was acquired by purchase on 16 March 1944.

2. The Army used the site, known as the Mishaum Point Fire Control Station, during World War II as part of the harbor defense of New Bedford. The Army built a battery for two 6-inch guns, barracks, an infirmary, a fire station, a radar operations building, a radar tower, two generator buildings, nine other temporary buildings, and a 40,000-gallon reservoir. The site was transferred to the Navy on 9 August 1951. CENED does not know how the Navy used the site. The Navy transferred the 26.84-acre site to the Air Force on 29 July 1958. The site was then called the Mishaum Point Electronics Research Annex. The Air Force used the site for electronics research. The site was not under other than Department of Defense (DOD) control during the period of DOD ownership.

3. On 30 June 1960, the 0.14-acre leasehold was terminated. The lease contained the provision that upon termination of the lease the Government must surrender possession of the motor, pump and well. If required by the Lessor, the Government would have to return the items to a condition as good as at the time the Government commenced using the motor, pump and well; or in lieu thereof, the Government could make a cash settlement. On 19 April 1963, the 26.84 acres fee were reported excess to General Services Administration (GSA). GSA conveyed the 26.84 acres fee to Richard S. Perkins, et ux. on 18 November 1964. The deed reserved an easement to the United States for a telephone and power line (0.136 acre). The deed was also subject to a license to New England Telephone to insure telephone service to the Coast Guard on Cuttyhunk Island. The deed did not contain a recapture or restoration clause. CENED does not know the disposition of the 0.136 acre reserved to the United States.


Based on the foregoing findings of fact, the site has been determined to be formerly used by DOD. It is therefore eligible for the Defense Environmental Restoration program - Formerly Used Defense Sites established under 10 USC 2701 et sea.


DESCRIPTION OF CON/HTW HAZARD: CENED suspects that there are two 5000-gallon underground storage tanks (USTs) located inside buried concrete vaults at Battery 210. The vaults have been obstructed by new construction and landscaping. A third 1000-gallon UST is located near the generator house foundation on the Parker property. The tanks are a potential source of environmental contaminants.

PROJECT ELIGIBILITY: The tanks were installed and used by the Army during DOD control of the site.

POLICY CONSIDERATION: The three tanks have not been utilized subsequent to DOD disposal of the site. Property owner, Mr. Gerald Jordan, is aware of the potential presence of two fuel tanks on his property. However, he has not requested any remedial work at this property. Property owner, Mrs. Franklin Parker, requests removal of the UST located on her property.

PROPOSED PROJECT: The project consists of removing and disposing of one 1000-gallon underground storage tank, its contents, associated piping and contaminated soil.

DESCRIPTION OF  HAZARD: The site was used by DOD as a gun battery. Initially there were two 155mm GPF guns. Upon construction of Battery 210, these guns were removed. Battery 210 consisted of two 6-inch rifled guns mounted on concrete gun emplacements 200 feet apart. Between them, in a concrete structure covered with earth, were powder magazines, shell rooms, compressor rooms, storerooms, a plotting room, a latrine, a circulating water system room, a water cooler room, a power plant, and a muffler gallery. Today Battery 210 has a modern dwelling built on top. There is the possibility that ordnance or explosive waste remains on the site.

PROJECT ELIGIBILITY: During DOD control of the site, the site contained a gun battery.

POLICY CONSIDERATION: The current owner has not brought ammunition to the site. DOD likely would be responsible for any ammunition or ordnance found at the site.